Have an eco-friendly holiday and discover nature's beneficial effect! For us the environment is something to be safeguarded, in fact we are proud to have been given the "Qualità Parco" (a quality certification), awarded for the protection of the environment. Our hotel is in the process of obtaining the "EU Ecolabel" which is recognized throughout Europe for promoting environmental excellence in the tourism sector.
Services for you Genuine Trentino hospitality
Promotions not to be missed
The best offers in Val di Sole for your mountain holidays in Trentino
Book / Request information & Contacts

Garnì Sottobosco
Via Campiglio 60 - 38025 Dimaro Folgarida (TN)
Tel. +39 0463 970136
Fax: +39 0463 970139
E-mail: info@garnisottobosco.it